NOD will support you towards a proactive monitoring of your network.
We take care of the right solution to fit your processes and information needs.
Network Performance Monitoring
You want to prevent end users from experiencing the network performance as a burden.
For this you might switch to network performance monitoring.
We can support you in defining your needs and setting the right goals.
You want more control over the network continuity and the ability to proactively intervene when things go wrong. To achieve this, you define your networks KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) which will form the basis for your dashboards.
During troubleshooting you can apply an analysis and drill down as quickly as possible to the cause of the problem.
You want to report within the organisation on the performance of the network and the achievements of your KPIs.
Way of Working
Whether it’s monitoring your network or your core application, our way of working is always in three steps.
Together we explore and define the organisational needs. We advise which products would be most suitable for your situation. This can be in hardware as well as software.
We take care of installation and configuration of the product. On top of that, we fulfill the need for training and instruction so you can take the system into your own hands.
After care
Together we check if the actual needs were operationally fulfilled. This way we secure the continuity of the implemented changes. We will assist you on final implementational changes.
When data is your currency
To safeguard the continuity and performance of your network you must have security.
NOD can help you to determine the specific risks of your organisation, and how you can mitigate these with network security.
You will have reliable advice to help you make the right choices when defending against cyber criminals, viruses or hackers.
In parallel we can advise you on the right investments to fight incidents. When these occur despite the measures taken, it is of vital importance to find the cause and take the action right away. For example, you want to know the IP address where the virus comes from in order to block this as soon as possible. On top of that, you want to save information to later on determine the impact of the incident.